21 Day Prayer Guide for America

Strategic prayer for America

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Our National Security and the Danger of World War

Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.” He who sits in the heavens shall laugh (Psalm 2:1-4).

Wars are described throughout the Bible and the history of the world. Today, wars involve Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Iran, and its proxies, and China is a worldwide foreboding presence. Another world war is a possibility. How can we carry on diplomacy with nations that hate us? Russia and China see America as a threat as they vie to be the top world power. At the same time, Iran and many of its surrounding nations hate the U.S. as much as they hate Israel. While the Bible doesn’t mention World War III, it mentions the increased number of wars in the last days. We know nations’ armies will join together in a massive force to attack Israel and Jerusalem before Christ returns. This will come to pass. We pray God’s timing, in God’s ways, for our good and His glory.

  • Pray for U.S. military readiness.
  • Pray that intelligence agencies will be alert to every threat to subvert and destroy America.
  • Ask the Lord for protection and divine intervention, overthrowing every enemy’s plans so that peace will reign in our land (see Isaiah 41:10).
  • Pray that the alliance of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea will break up and not endanger the U.S. or other nations.
  • Laborers for the great harvest are needed before the Lord returns.
  • Pray that in this time of global uncertainty and fear, the Gospel of Christ will spread to every unreached people group (see Luke 10:2).

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(Prayer time: 15 min)

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