21 Day Prayer Guide for America

Strategic prayer for America

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Pray for Revival

Then, we will never abandon you again. Revive us so we can call on your name once more. Turn us again to yourself, O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies. Make your face shine down upon us. Only then will we be saved (Psalm 80:18-19 NLT).

Do we look like the early Church after Christ ascended, or have we become unrecognizable? Are we working hard like Ephesus in the Book of Revelation 2, yet we have lost our first love? Are we like Sardis, who had a reputation for being alive but was dead? Jesus’ message to both churches was clear: Repent! It has been said countless times, “As goes the Church, so goes the nation.” We can’t blame the government for everything. We must be honest and admit we have set a bad example through our apathy and hypocrisy. Then, we must take accountability for our failures and repent from them. Our pride has brought us low, but the Scriptures say God will not reject a broken and contrite heart (see Psalm 51:17). Revive us again, Lord.

Ask God to search your heart, examine you, and cleanse you from hidden faults. If there are things you know you shouldn’t be partaking in, repent.

Billy Graham envisioned the Native Americans rising from being a “sleeping giant” to reach America for Christ. His grandson, Will Graham, speaking to Natives more recently, said: “God is waking the Sleeping Giant, and I believe God will use you to bring the last great revival.”

  • Pray for the revival of all the 574 Native tribes and that they will become evangelists and revival carriers to America and our world.
  • Pray for God’s manifest presence and resurrection power to fill His churches, our nation and the nations (see Romans 8:11).
  • Pray for the Church to move in her God-given authority (see Matthew 16:18-20).
  • Pray for Jesus Christ to be exalted in America. Pray that He would have supremacy in all things (see Colossians 1:18).

Praying as a group?

Leading others in prayer is a great step in making disciples. We want to celebrate your and their faithfulness. For each person that prays with you, we will add 15 minutes to the 65.3 days of prayer committed so far.

How many prayed today (including yourself)?

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(Prayer time: 15 min)

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